Wenn das meine Frau wäre dann dürfte sie sich jeden Tag so auf mein Gesicht setzen! Ich würde ihr jeden Tag ihre beiden schönen Löcher auslecken und dabei ihre warme Pisse trinken! Am liebsten wenn aus ihren geilen Arsch mein Sperma tropft!
Ooo and by the way the first cock I had in my mouth was my uncle who had caught me dressed in my aunts panties and nylons and her pink lace teddy and sniffing her panties as sister was sucking my clity cock
Would love to walk up on you pissing and I would bend over and let you see my pink lace thong that is showing above my pants and I would pull my pants off and show you how wet my panties are from watching you pee and I would tell you that anytime you want to piss in my mouth and having multiple orgasm from the feeling of my tongue in your pussy and ass i would be so turned on