My wife and I have had several threescore, and been with other couples, but mainly it's been guys from craigslist that wanted to play the cuckold role game in one way or both. She loves to have men at her mercy and we have gotten many men that said they would never suck a cocktail to become very much hungry to do so playing with us as we are both excellent at it ourselves. I personally don't mind letting the guest be the part of the dominant man once he has shown his that he is appreciative and willing to give back in return. My wife has lately backed away a bit from playing as much as some of our partners have moved, craigslist has shut down the personals, and it is just plain harder to find people that you're comfortable with. I am a little more adventurous and would like to meet a couple that is looking for a guy who is willing to play either, or both roles for you in the greater Tampa Bay area. Once we get to know each other and are comfortable my wife will most likely want to play also.
I personally don't mind letting the guest be the part of the dominant man once he has shown his that he is appreciative and willing to give back in return.
My wife has lately backed away a bit from playing as much as some of our partners have moved, craigslist has shut down the personals, and it is just plain harder to find people that you're comfortable with.
I am a little more adventurous and would like to meet a couple that is looking for a guy who is willing to play either, or both roles for you in the greater Tampa Bay area. Once we get to know each other and are comfortable my wife will most likely want to play also.